“There are many things in life that will catch your eye but only a few will catch your heart; pursue those.”  ~ Anonymous

Somewhere alone the line, many of us forget that our one and only life really does belong to us. Sure, we have some responsibility to others but in the end we ought to have the most responsibility to ourselves. What do we want to do with our lives? I also feel that we enrich each other’s lives when we follow our own pursuits.


When I was about 12, it made me proud that both my parents took up painting in a local art class. Only my mother continued, but her lovely artwork soon graced the walls of our home and it was good! She had a unique style that appealed to me. Then one day she just stopped and never ever picked up a paintbrush again.


She mentioned something about it taking up too much time with childrearing. I tried to encourage her after my siblings and I were raised but she seemed to have permanently lost interest.


For me, I love to pursue all things creative and investigative. And when they dance around each other, it’s even better. 


I also find that if I purse just art or writing or investigating it can burn me out a little bit. That is why I have learned to rotate doing the things I love, that way my different pursuits can be replenished. 


Just like people need to be replenished so do our various creative endeavors. I love chocolate chip ice cream but if that is all I ate every day, 365 days a year, I’d get sick of it.


And it is okay to admit needing replenishments even for the things we love. There is this weird mythology out there that creative folks are non-stop creative. They can certainly have a deep well, but eventually that well can dry out if the pail takes goodies out but doesn’t lower goodies in. I have a pretty deep well, but I also know when I need a break or a time out or a vacation.


So, what can you do to restore your internal creative inventory to keep it fresh and flowing?


Take a walk through a botanical garden.


Meet a friend for smoothies.


Visit a gallery, on-line or in person.


Take up something new like acting or fashion design.


Stare at the inside of a flower.


Go away for a few days.

Watch a short series on Netflix.


Learn to play chess.


Write some handwritten notes.


Visit an outdoor sculpture park.


Watch some dogs play in a park.


Nap in a hammock.


Do anything with your non dominant hand.

Browse through the paint chips at a hardware store.


Drive around and look at the details on historic homes.


Go through your stash of old family pictures.


Watch some old movies with a fantasy twist like The Wizard of Oz, Fantastic Voyage, or Mary Poppins.


Hope some of these ideas help!


Book Writing Contest and other book events.  

It is harder to put together a writing contest than I expected. Have finalized most of that and will be releasing information soon. The due date is moved to October so everyone who is interested in entering will be able to do so. 

Here’s to feeling  more alive!
