If you put your mind to something, if you give 100 percent, if you sacrifice, and if you dedicate yourself, anything is truly possible. ~ Apolo Ohno


For most of my working life, I was given the same advice: Have a Plan B. make sure you have a backup or two. And for years I followed that advice, thinking it would save me.


Everything felt sort of half ass until I was presented with a heroine’s challenge: To save my town’s historic Town Hall from a demolition. I faced a steep, almost impossible uphill battle. The project to replace it with a new building was approved and designed. They even had the demolition delay scheduled for the old building. 

I went to speak to my town’s Historical Commission. They said it wasn’t practical to save it. Would take too much energy.

For whatever reason, I didn’t take no for an answer and kept going, finding folks along the way who also wanted to save it. We got calls from people telling us to stop what we were doing, etc. Almost threatening at times. Yet, we persisted.


Pretty soon, we had half the town cheering us on and in the end it was saved.


I can tell you I gave 300% to that effort. I believed we could save it and kept walking toward that goal. It was one of the first time’s in my life I didn’t have a Plan B. Just Plan A: To Save The Town Hall.


Looking back, I think we do upcoming generations a disservice when we tell them to have a Plan B. It takes away their 100% commitment to whatever they are doing.


I told myself, “You cannot fail.” Every. day.


With that kind of energy, people are drawn to you. The Universe of Possibility is drawn to you. Things start to fall in place because of the will to make it happen.


I have since applied that to other things in my life and every time I have experienced the same success. It works.


No safety nets because the natural inclination is to just fall into them, right before you were about to achieve the thing you wanted. Sometimes, I think we sense success and sabotage ourselves by giving up right before the finish line.

Perhaps, give it a try with something small you want to do. That will boost your confidence for something larger.


Book Writing Contest and other book events. 

Writing contest is finalized and announced. Took way more organizing than I thought. The due date is February 15th, 2022, so everyone who is interested in entering will be able to do so. First, Second and Third prize will be artwork from the book. Delivered to your home if you live in the US at no charge. Think parts of Canada maybe as well. Other places there would be the difference between the US charge and where it is going to be shipped.


More information and rules HERE. Would love to have you join us. 

Here’s to feeling  more alive!

