“Say yes and you’ll figure it out afterwards.” — Tiny Fey


I used to get all excited about something I saw in the paper, in a program catalog or on-line. I’d circle it in red, cut it out and put it on the refrigerator.


But as the sign-up deadline got closer, I got less and less excited and often talked myself out of it.


It was fear shouting in my head. “It will be boring.” “You will feel awkward.” “Nothing will be learned.” “It is too much money.” “You’ve had a long week, why don’t you stay home and watch TV.”


The sad part was that I really did want to go. My initial reaction was the true reaction. My enthusiasm scared me. Hell, something really awesome might happen if I do this thing, whatever it is. My life might change! I might feel more powerful.


And I was not alone. People I knew did this as well. We denied ourselves something out of fear and then used a bunch of excuses generated by that fear not to do the thing we wanted to do.


Then back in 2007ish I saw this advanced logo design class I wanted to take. It looked terrific and it was a couple of hundred dollars. Not even that much money but I grew to see it as a small fortune. And it was in Boston and I had to drive in from the suburbs, blah, blah, blah.


I had once again talked myself out of it. Then, something erupted within me. This time I read myself the riot act and made myself take it. Well, that class changed my business dramatically because the instructor was phenomenal and I met a group of terrific women and we formed a design group that met once a month. I became a far stronger graphic designer. And today I use the tenants of graphic design I learned in that program in my paintings.


What if I’d succeeded in talking myself out of it?


Since then I’ve been pretty good about signing up for the things I want to do.


Life goes by in a flash. It’s easy to say, “I’ll do it someday.” When in reality, today is someday because someday never comes.


Then after decades and decades of avoidance, the “I’m too old excuses” start filtering through the mind.




Is there something you’d like to follow through on? Take a local trip to? Take a class about? Take the time to meet with a friend?


When you really think about it, how hard would it be to step up and do that thing?


Perhaps, give that thing some thought and see what you can come up with…

Imagine a world where everyone was terrified to speak up? Then imagine a world where people feel comfortable speaking up. The only way to create that is to speak up more, even if you are the first one to speak up, which can seem daunting. Another good choice is to stand up with the person who is speaking up for something you’d like to also speak up for. They will enjoy the support.


Perhaps, you have spoken up — Congrats. Perhaps, you’d like to speak up, soon to be congrats. Watch one of my favorite movies, Erin Brockovich. It may act as a catalyst.

Here’s to feeling  more alive!
