The Answer Is Love …
Love is the the bridge between you and everything.” ~ Ray Bradbury” People talk about love a lot, but it can be a tough emotion to show and a tough emotion to receive. I know I have had a hard time with it, something I traced to childhood and unloving...
Keep Going! Even If You Want To Give Up.
“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” ~ Dale Carnegie. “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when...
Sing First. Then Do The Boring Stuff
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did." ~ Mark Twain Sing first. Then do the boring stuff. (This post originally appeared in January 2011 on my previous blog) Hey folks breaking out of your...
Do You Talk Yourself Out of Doing Things You Actually Want To Do?
“Say yes and you'll figure it out afterwards.” — Tiny Fey I used to get all excited about something I saw in the paper, in a program catalog or on-line. I'd circle it in red, cut it out and put it on the refrigerator. But as the sign-up deadline got closer, I got...
Be The First One To Speak Up
“My silences had not protected me. Your silence will not protect you.” — Audre Lorde A lot of people will not stand up because they don't want to make waves. Sure, there is the chance it might feel like rough seas for a while. But if you don't make waves about...
Experiment Like A Mad, Creative Scientist
"Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson When I first started blogging in 2009, I banged out a ton of copy without expending much effort. It poured out of me like it was never going to stop, sometimes...
Face Your Fears & Feel The Freedom
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” ~ Joseph Campbell I was quite brave as a young child, setting off into the wild yonder to explore meadows, ford streams, climb small hills. Danced around the room filled with adults with no feelings of shame....
Begin Anywhere. It’s Okay.
“Courage isn’t about knowing the path, it’s about taking the first step.” ~ Katie Davis One of my book chapters is called "Begin Anywhere." Many folks never follow their heart's desire because they are unsure how to take that first step. We have created such...
Tap Into Your Wild Side … If You Dare.
To be wild is not to be crazy or psychotic. True Wildness is a love of nature, a delight in silence, a voice free to say spontaneous things, and an exuberant curiosity in the face of the unknown.. ~ Robert Bly In 2006, I got the idea for my very first...
Secrets To Loosening Up As An Artist (Of Any Kind)!
Loosen Up. Unbend. You'll Feel Better. ~ Mae West Years ago, when I started my second journey as an artist, this time as an adult, many of the experienced artists around me asked the same question of instructors: How do I loosen up? And as I became more...